1947 Chronicles (17): Good Saint Joseph

Good Saint Joseph

“It is the custom for us here in our little monastery to daily make a procession in honor of St. Joseph, during which we sing the hymn, ‘Dear Guardian of Mary,’ which is the hymn in his honor that we know the best. This custom began a month or so after we first came to Guilford when Mother was very worried because our bills were increasing and little financial help was coming in. Then we implored the help of St. Joseph with this little procession and things changed for the better immediately. We have discovered that St. Joseph helps us more when we sing the third verse of the hymn in which occur the words, ‘There is no saint in heaven, St. Joseph, like you.’”

Early Summer, 1947: One of our first aspirants

“Since North Guilford is such a wilderness, especially in the summer time, a kind benefactor from New Haven offered to have some signs made for us with the word ‘Monastery’ printed on them. These were to be posted here and there on the road to enable people to find us more easily. This is the result: one day a man came to our door and said, ‘I’m disgusted with the world and I’ve decided to become a brother in an Order. I saw a sign saying, “Monastery” out there, so it this where you apply?’

“We directed him to our Fathers in New Haven.”

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