Bl. James Salomonio


Feast Day: May 30

Blessed James Salomonio, patron of cancer patients, was born of noble parents in Venice in 1231. He first met the Dominicans in Castello, a city remembered for the heroic life of Blessed Margaret.

In 1248, he entered the novitiate in Venice and had as a companion, Nicolo Boccasini, the future Pope Blessed Benedict XIII. From Venice, James was transferred to Forli and remained there until his death.

He progressed in intimate union with Christ by fastings, penances, works of mercy and exact observance of the Constitutions of the Order.

His infused gift of counsel drew many to his confessional and many were converted. A white dove was often seen over his head in the confessional. He was a father to the poor in whom he discerned the poor Christ. Even before entering the Order, he gave his considerable inheritance to the poor.

He was noted for his devotion to the Eucharist and the Blessed Virgin Mary, and praying the rosary. In Ravenna, when he prayed the rosary outdoors in winter beautiful roses sprung up in his path.

Sick and dying invalids in the hospital of Forli eagerly welcomed the tender-hearted man of God. In his latter years Blessed James endured a painful cancer which he concealed. A certain Elena afflicted with cancer of the throat, knelt before the friar in the sacristy after Mass. Blessed James prayed over her and touched her throat. She left the church completely cured. A mother appealed to the holy friar: “My daughter Cristina is suffering from a horrible cancer, if you wish you can cure her!” Upon returning home she removed her daughter’s bandages and found no trace of cancer.

James died in Forli, May 31, 1314, at age eighty-three. His body lies in the Dominican basilica of Saints John and Paul in Venice. More than 338 cures have since been authenticated at the shrine. He was beatified in 1526.


St. Peter Martyr


Bl. Hyacinthe Cormier